Dear Go on Board,
Nice to e-meet you!We are a group of crowdfunding supporters of The Witcher: Old World Chinese Traditional Version. Thank you for your efforts, that CHT Version provides Big Box option now! But during the distribution of Big Boxes, there are some disputes between the CHT Version agent and crowdfunding supporters. Therefore, we send this email to you, hoping that you can help clarify something.
Now, there are just 100 sets of Big Boxes for CHT player, provided only to the supporters who also bought Shaded. However, as our knowledge, all versions around the world, including Chinese Simplified Version which is geographically close to us, has no such restrictions to the Big Box, which mean we CHT players are the only group of the global community who must buy Shaded to get Big Box. Compared to CHS Version which provides 800+ Big Boxes without the Shaded rule, the CHT crowdfunding for CHT Version features more participants and more money, but got only few Big Boxes – that’s the current dispute.
The CHT agent said, that they have only 100 Big Boxes for now, because that’s the allocation allowed by the Poland licenser (I guess that's you!) for the CHT players. The Shaded rule is also the decision made with the Poland licenser. The Poland licenser also demand a specific number of the original boxes, which limits the number of the Big Box allocation. Is the statement from the CHT agent true? If it is, could you please enlarge the allocation of CHT Big Boxes for the CHT supporters? For there are enough Big Boxes even for CHS Version, we don’t understand why we can have only such few Big boxes.
Thank you for time and patience to read this. We love the The Witcher: Old World project, but many of us who cannot have the Big Box they want so much are really frustrated now. If possible, please increase the allocation of CHT Big Boxes. If it doesn’t work, please tell us the reason and we can try to figure out a solution together. Thank you again :)
Best regards,your Chinese Traditional speaking players
1. 大盒上的設計圖案目前看起來應該就是主遊戲的圖案(正面)+三組擴充盒的圖案(可能放在側面)?
2. 如果我用小盒版,然後把所有擴充加入遊戲一起玩,那在收納的時候我有辦法馬上判別出哪些擴充道具/卡牌應該要收入哪些小盒嗎?
3. 擴充盒如果加入遊戲中的話,會增加遊戲難度嗎?還是是在難度不變的狀況下增加更多可玩性?因為我目前猶豫的點就是如上所述:
1. 設計圖案是否有增加(如果大盒版的圖只有主遊戲的圖/或是大盒版的圖包括主遊戲+三個擴充盒的圖)
2. 收納的方便性(大盒是否較方便收納)
3. 擴充盒加入後對主遊戲的影響(可能不需要每一次都帶所有擴充出門?)可能很多東西現階段都還在設計中......但是現在真的滿猶豫要改大盒版還是保留小盒版就好......
如果等到盒子的設計定稿後再改是不是會有點來不及QQ1 則回覆